
Friday, September 18, 2015

US Calls Out Turkish Judiciary for curbing free speech

DPB #159
Briefer: Mark Toner, Deputy Spokesperson

My Qs and As w State Dept Spox on Turkey
QUESTION:  Mark, since last time I asked this question about eight or nine days ago, the Turkish press, press freedom in Turkey, we have seen some further crackdowns on Turkey.  There’s a journalist yesterday sentenced to six-year jail time for insulting president.  The biggest newspaper of Turkey or most influential newspaper of Turkey now under investigation for terror propaganda.  There are – every day there are new journalist, without exaggeration, being investigated and sued.  My questions is to you that – do you think the Turkish press is going too far criticizing the Turkish Government and this may be – what’s your sense, assessment?  Is this the Turkish press should be careful about their editorial?
MR TONER:  Look, you’re never going to hear from this government or this podium any attempt to stifle or to suggest censorship on the part of any media anywhere.  Obviously, we promote a free and independent media, as you can see from all the many people and different voices and perspectives in this room right now.  That’s what we espouse as a pillar of any good, functioning, vibrant democracy.  And so we are concerned by the increasing number of investigations into media outlets regarding – or for criticism of the government and for accusations of disseminating terrorist propaganda.  And frankly, we’re also concerned about, I would say, the aggressive use of judiciary inquiries to curb free speech in Turkey. 
I would note that our ambassador there, John Bass, was actually – recently visited Hurriyet, the offices, and made some of these very same points about the need for a free and vibrant media and to protect that media.  As you’ve heard before from myself and from others, the quality of Turkey’s democracy matters to us, and we expect the Turkish authorities to uphold Turkey’s core values, democratic foundations, and universally recognized fundamental freedoms.
QUESTION:  Final one.  When you talk to Turkish Government on these issues, which is increasing every single day, what kind of – can you tell us what the --
MR TONER:  What kind of response?
MR TONER:  I just can’t give that.  I mean, we convey our concerns, but it’s – we often – or not often.  We rarely every characterize what we hear back in response.  That’s not our place to do so.

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

US: AKP Policies don't comport with their own constitution

Briefer: John Kirby, Spokesperson

(Reds were asked by other reporters)

US: AKP members encouraged protests against Hurriyet
QUESTION: Over the weekend, one of the largest newspaper headquarters in Turkey was attacked by the government supporters and organized by AKP deputy. U.S. embassy in Ankara sent a tweet or two, but I was wondering if you have anything more than a tweet.
MR KIRBY: Well, we’ve seen the reports, obviously, and we call on Turkey to respect the media freedoms and due process protections that are enshrined in the Turkish constitution. They are key elements in every healthy democracy. We’re concerned by reports that the protests against the Hurriyet Daily were encouraged by members of the Justice and Development Party. Elected officials must be careful not to appear to encourage violence against media outlets.

US: The quality of Turkey's democracy matters
QUESTION: One of the Vice reporters, the third one, is still in the custody over two weeks now. And another foreign journalist just detained for over two days, I believe. I was wondering if the U.S. Government is worried or have some increased concerns over the crackdown on the press freedom in Turkey.
MR KIRBY: We have consistent concerns about press freedoms around the world. And as I just said, we’ve expressed our concerns about this most recent incident against Hurriyet. Look, the quality of Turkey’s democracy matters to us, and we expect Turkish authorities to uphold Turkey’s core values, democratic foundations, and universally recognized fundamental freedoms. And that’s a point that we make all around the world, and we will continue to do so.

US: Real time talking: We are making our points clear to Turkey
QUESTION: The final one: Have you asked this to Turkish Government, this specific Hurriyet event or the recent tactic?
MR KIRBY: Well, we don’t – as you know, we don’t talk about the specifics of our diplomatic conversations. But since I’m talking to you here at the podium in real time, I think it’s safe to say that we’re making our points clear candidly and openly.

US Spox: No grading for Turkish democracy
QUESTION: Now, you said the quality of Turkey’s democracy matters to us? 
QUESTION: How would you rate that quality right now?
MR KIRBY: I’m not in a position to judge it. I’d be --

QUESTION: Well, then how can you say it matters to us --
MR KIRBY: It does matter to us. It does matter to us, and --
QUESTION: -- if you’re not prepared to make a – well, is it poor, fair, excellent --
MR KIRBY: I’m not getting – I’m not -- 

QUESTION: Grade A, grade --
QUESTION: Well, but I mean, just – why don’t you look at your previous comments and acknowledge that they have not been so positive lately?
MR KIRBY: I have said that, Elise. We’ve noted that there’s been challenges there and we note that publicly. We’re candid about that.
QUESTION: So would you say --
MR KIRBY: But I’m not going to give them a grade.

QUESTION: -- less than perfect? What kind of I mean, you say that the quality matters to you.
MR KIRBY: We recognize that there are still there are actions -- 

AKP Policies don't comport w their own constitution
QUESTION: Well, you’ve pretty much said yourself that that’s a poor quality.
MR KIRBY: There are actions that they are taking which in our view don’t comport with their own core values as mentioned in their own constitution. Thank you, though, Matt. 

ABD: AKP'nin Yaptıkları Türk Anayasısı ile Uyumlu Değil

Washington, DC

Günlük basın toplantısında ABD Dışişleri Sözcüsü John Kirby, Türkiye'deki Hürriyet binasına olan saldırıları, bu saldırıların bizzat AKP üyelerince teşvik edildiği ve bazı yabancı gazetecilerin tutuklanmaları konularında, AKP'nin 'yaptıkları kendi anayasalarına uyumlu değil'' tespitinde bulundu.

ABD: AKP Üyelerinin Saldırı Teşvik Etmesi Endişe Verici
@WashingtonPoint'in Hürriyet binasına yapılan saldırı ve bunun bizzat AKP milletvekilince organize edilmesi hakkındaki sorusuna karşılık Sözcü Kirby şunları söyledi: ''Türkiye'ye basın özgürlüğüne saygı göstermesi ve Türk Anayasasına işlenmiş yargı sürecini işletmesi çağrısında bulunuyoruz. Bunlar her sağlıklı demokrasinin kilit önemdeki unsurlarıdır. Hüriyet gazetesine yapılan saldırıların Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi üyelerince teşvik edilmesinden dolayı endişe sahibiyiz. Seçilmiş yetkililer şiddet teşvik ettikleri yönündeki algıdan muhakkak uzak durmalıdırlar.'' 

Türkiye'deki yabancı gazetecilerin tutuklanması ve basın özgürlüğüne karşı artan baskılar sorulduğunda ise sözcü, ''bizim sürekli şekilde basın özgürlüğü konusunda endişlelerimizi paylaşıyoruz. Hürriyet üzerindeki son gelişmeler hakkındaki endişeleri de belirttim. Türkiye demokrasisinin kalitesi bizim için önemlidir. Türk yetkili kurumlarının temel değerlere sahip çıkmasını bekliyoruz.'' 

Türkiye ile bu konularda görüştünüz mü sorusuna karşılı ise sözcü, soru aracılığıyla bir kez daha Türkiye'ye mesaj gönderdi: ''spesifik dİplomatik görüşlerimiz hakkında bir açıklama yapamam ama sizinle burada, bu podyumdan, gerçek zaman diliminde konuşuyorum ve bizim endişelerimizi açıkça, dürüstçe belirtiyoruz'' dedi.

ABD: AKP'nin Yaptıkları Türk Anayasısı ile Uyumlu Değil
Türk demokrasinin kalitesinin ''zayıf, harika, mükemmel değil'' gibi notlar verilip verilemeyeceği sorulduğunda ise Kirby, bu konuda yargılamada bulunamayacağını açıkladı. ABD Dışişleri Bakanlığındaki bazı Amerikalı gazetecilerin ısrarla konu hakkındaki sorularının devamı neticesinde Kirby şu açıklamada bulundu: ''onların (AKP) yaptıklarının kendi temel değerleri ve kendi anayasalarına aykırı düşmektedir.''